Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fighting by Taranesha Zellars

It all started in my 1st period class. Two girls were arguing about “she said and he said” stuff andon the way to lunch the girls got to fighting which was dumb to me. They got suspended for 10 days and were talked about around the whole school about how one girl got her hair pulled out and the other was winning. These were just a bunch of rumors to me and more drama. Because of the suspension, the girls had to repeat all of their classes and will be late to graduate.

I have not had an experience of fighting in my freshmen year, but I have seen others fight and what consequences they got. I learned that fighting in school is ridiculous and nonsense. I also learned that if you want to graduate on time, you should prevent fighting during your freshmen year. I have had my name in some situations that could have lead to fighting, but I ignored the situations and laughed at the ones that said it. The things that lead to fighting are talking about a person to others which if you are so-called “real,” you are supposed to go to that person and tell them what is the problem. Another problem that would lead to fighting is your attitude of dislike towards this person and showing it every time the person walks by. When they do, you got something smart to say or you roll your eyes. My opinion on that is you are being fake and you are a hater.

To me fighting can result in not graduating on time because you will be out of school for 10 days which is over the limit of absences. Also, fighting could result in not earning credits for your classes which could make you fall behind in your learning. My advice to freshmen about fighting is to try to prevent fighting at school by walking away. I know that doesn’t sound easy but it will help you in a lot of ways. Also the 2 ways to prevent fighting in freshmen or your later years of high school is do not let your emotions take control of you and also try to stay calm.


  1. FIRST AND FOREMOST dont ever say "Got to fighting" again in a written/typed entry. Even though we talk like that it is improper to put on paper. On a better note, you brought up some good point about reasons about fighting. I think one you should've mentioned is because people are envious of you. I personally had some students envious of me, because of my accomplishments up arriving here at cedar shoals. Even though it came to a point where they wanted to fight me, I was MATURE enough to ignore it, and walk away from the situation. I hope others can have that same mentality and progress through life in peace......

  2. hey that is a good example to set for upcoming students and it also lets them know that you don't have to fight to be cool or have friends and if you do decide to fight you will have consequences

  3. To da 1st comment dat is not cool.. we talk da way we please and if u dnt like it 2 bad.. stop criticizing people work im sure dey worked hard on dis and u want to cum and b all ignorant thank u and have a nice day...

    Mr. Moore 9th grade class

  4. fighting is a stupid thing to do especially if u know u got to graduate in a couple of years.

    Tevin Browner Mr. Moore 9th Grade
