Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Make Your Mark by Valente Fanning

This is my first and last year here at Cedar Shoals. Not saying this is my last year for negative reasons, but I am a senior and I will be graduating this May. Now I must admit I was a lot like you all on my first day as a freshman in high school. I was cautious, imitated, but most importantly, anxious to see what the year was to bring. The transition and responsibility that comes along with high school is a major thing to deal with.

My ninth grade year was really something to remember. I really didn’t care about the importance of an education. I was living for today’s hype and ensuring that I was up to date on the latest gossip. When I look back on that, I feel ashamed, but as you may know, everything happens for a reason. I was viewed as the class clown. I wasn’t taken seriously by either my teachers or my peers. My work ethic was where it should have been, but my behavior wasn’t. I often misbehaved in all of my classes and accumulated countless discipline referrals. I didn’t care about how my behavior came in the way of my education. My attitude was that I was always right, and you couldn’t tell me anything I didn’t know.

Most definitely I was new to the environment of being in high school because of my freshman status. I quickly learned that no matter what status you have at high school, everybody is treated equally. One thing I must say to you all is come with the attitude, like you know what’s going on. Learn new things about this new environment as each day goes by.

When I became the new student at Cedar Shoals, people were mostly concerned with themselves. I never had anyone to show me the ropes of being here at Cedar Shoals. I got lost a couple of times, because I wasn’t accustomed to how the halls were setup. I never let that become a big issue and cause me to be late for my classes. I wouldn’t stop to associate with others, like I have seen everybody else do. My focus was finding my way to my next class without being late until I got accustomed to how the halls were setup.

Another important thing that I want to say to you all is you all are the new faces on campus, and of course you will receive a lot of attention due to that fact. For most of you that don’t know, first impressions are always the impression that will stick to people on how they view you as a person. I would highly recommend entering high school with a mature attitude. If you act like a child here, teachers will treat you like a child. The more mature you are, the more people will tolerate you. Therefore being involved in drama can give you a very negative image. You are here to learn, not to entertain everyone’s drama and issues that comes to you.

High School isn’t really a bad place. Get involved in clubs, sports and different activities to make your years go by fast. Now you are a freshman, but if you are busy being dedicated to clubs, sports and different activities the rest of your three years will quickly go by. Research what career you want to pursue so you may take classes in that area to prepare you for college. Have a great time and create good relations with your fellow peers. Focus and work diligently on your studies and you will become a successful high school student like me.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on your essay, and this should help the ninth graders so that they wont feel ashamed, and scared.Great job
