Monday, May 16, 2011

Not easily distracted by Shakerra Patman

When I first came to high school I told myself I wasn’t going to get distracted. I was going to stay focused and concentrate on graduating. Now a day in high school it’s all about making the right decisions. You have to learn how not to get easily distracted. I always had a problem with staying on track because my focus gets knocked off a lot. To me cell phones and boys had a big impact on me making the wrong decisions. The reason I say this is because those were the two things that I thought I couldn’t live without.
I remember when I got my phone taken up. The reason for that is because I was more interested in getting the text from my “Boy toy” then my schoolwork. The text wasn’t even that important. We were trying to set something up for after school. I feel that this was a bad choice I made because school is more important. Obviously the text wasn’t about anything. So I knew that I could have waited to after class to discuss the matter.
Another thing that distracted me was boys. My 9th grade year was not the best year for me. I slipped up. HARD! Instead of being there I would skip school to be with this boy that I thought I loved. Pssh, at that age I didn’t even know what love was. I always looked at it as if school wasn’t as important to me. I use to feel like if I didn’t skip to be with him he would think different of me. I fell behind in school and had to go to summer school. Summer school was so annoying to me because it took away just about my whole summer. I had to get up every morning at like 8a.m. and stay til like 4p.m. Every year that I’ve been in highschool, except for my senior year, I had to go to summer school. This made me stronger and motivated me because I did what I had to do to graduate. I wanted to show my family I could do it and overcome any obstacles so that I wouldn’t set a bad example for my younger siblings. Right now they are doing very good in school but they look up to me and I don’t want them to start messing up like I did. I try to tsalk to them and keep them on the right track because education is most important.
So to my upcoming freshmens learn from my mistakes. Don’t get easily distracted because it only takes one mistake that can prevent you from achieving. Don’t come to school just to waste time. Its not worth it and in the long run everything will pay off. Just think, you complete school and get a highschool diploma and/or a college degree then you’ll be successful. Take charge of your life and don’t let outside things get inside.

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