Monday, May 16, 2011
Learn to lie - and get serious by Andy Wilder
Okay now on a more serious note, in class education. This was a big part of my high school career that I totally regret. Be sure to take your classes serious from the get go, because your only making it harder for yourself in the long run. Just don’t get into the habit of being lazy. Make sure you take notes, study, and listen to what your teachers have to say. Don’t let all the freedom in high school get to you because it will come back to haunt you come your senior year. I’m telling you all this from my personal experiences. Make sure you know when to put the fun off until it’s necessary, no matter how tempting it is.
The last thing I want to talk to you all about is sports and extra- curricular activities. Sports is one of the funniest things you can do in high school. That’s where most of my favorite memories of high school came from. It gives you great exercise and keeps your from doing wrong by going out and getting involved with the wrong things.
You will be glad you did it by Porsha Watkins
Don't blow your chance by Paul Simpson
Do all of your work. As I have already said, things will be easier if you do. Teachers will be easier on you. They will realize that you want to learn and are a hard worker and will not be on your back as much as they on others’ backs. Also the work will become more understandable. The more work you do, the more you become familiar with the knowledge and, ergo, it becomes easier to understand. And you will have less homework if you do your class work. Trust me, I know from experience. In the ninth grade, I played around and did not do my work in lit class. Obviously I failed that class as a result. I had to make it up in my senior year, which left me with less time for senior things.
Do not play around too much. And by play around, I mean talking a lot, playing in class, not paying attention, causing a disruption, et cetera. It will create a bad reputation with teachers. Some will automatically assume that you will do a certain thing, or behave a certain way because of your reputation as a disruption if you do play around. You get in more trouble when you play around. And in your senior year, it could harm your chances of graduating. I have seen people fail and not graduate because they played around.
Stay out of trouble. It will follow your record. It will also create a bad reputation. Too much trouble and you will not graduate. I have seen people not graduate because they had got into too many fights, got caught skipping too many times, et cetera.
Make the best of it. HAVE FUN! There are only four years, and they go by way too quickly. Make as many friends as possible, because people tend to lose friends after graduating. I may be contradicting what I said about trouble, but if you want to try something, then go for it. It is easier to regret getting into trouble than it is to regret not doing something. I moved a lot. I had a different school each year. I regret not having the chance to do many things. You have the chance to make the next four years remarkable. Do not blow this chance. Good luck.
Having a game plan by Davondrick Reddish
Make sure to stay focus it’s the first year that counts the most it determines if you’ll pass or fail the next three don’t let anyone tell you that it does not matter because they must not have there priorities straight.
Being the best you can be is a statement you shouldn’t take lightly. Many things that you do will be hard, but always try your best do the work if you have problems raise your hand don’t be afraid to ask questions its okay if you don’t know something be an active learner trust me you will go far with that type of attitude class would be a lot easier to handle. You don’t have to be the teachers pet to make good grades believe me. Stay clear of getting in trouble I mean serious trouble avoid being written up because those count after a while. My advice is don’t hang with the wrong crowd. Don’t try and be like everyone else. Do your own thing be who you are. That is the biggest problem with high school everyone wants to have the same thing to don’t be the person who needs attention just to function everyday. Be who you are that is what matters, trust me teachers love to see students who don’t give in to the peer pressure.
Next lets talk about tardiness when I first arrived at this school I never really paid much attention to the rules that came with my experience one being the very thing that could kept a lot of people from graduating on time was coming to class late these teachers mark every time that your late to class or absent from class don’t think for a second they don’t know you are not there. It’s best to have a perfect attendance record it follows you even out of high school it’s the thing teachers and people who look to hire you look for. Don’t be late come on time do your work and study for every test trust me you have the makings of a great high school experience.
The most important year by John Gresham
Don't abuse freedoms
When I got to my sophomore year things only got worse since I passed 7 out my 8 classes my freshman year I thought I could play even more. I would skip class more, and got more tardies. I would go smoke in the bathrooms or outside any chance I could. I didn’t want to hear what my counselor, teacher, or administrator had to say about my behavior. I only thought about how o looked to everybody when they seen me skip class and cuss the teachers out. The teachers would tell me to go to my classes and my education, that’s worth more than they could say. I couldn’t convince me since all I thought about was drugs, and being a thug.
I would look at a write up and a failing grade as if they were awards I earned from trying to be a thug. I almost had to go to alternative school because of too many write ups. I once failed a class 3 times and blamed the teacher every time. The teacher would put me out class because I didn’t do my class work, and I saw that as being wrong. Now I see that he putting me out because he didn’t want me affect the other kids that did want to learn something, and get their education. I also let drugs and gangs control most of my life in school. At that time I was too hard headed to see that I was only hurting myself more than others. I and my homeboy would do what we wanted when we wanted, and that’s how we looked at life. My teachers and parents would look at me disappointed, in me because they knew I could do better. At the time I was so involved in drugs, gangs, and guns to see that they were slowly giving up hope on a delinquent like me.
Once I got to my senior year I finally realized that I had to make up for all the fooling around I did in my first few years. I seen I had an opportunity to redeem myself for all the ignorant things I did in when I got to high school. I remembered everything my elders told me about if I get a second chance I better take it cause their might not be another one.
Once you get to high school you have to use your freedom wisely and not abuse it like I did. The teachers are only trying to get you to do your work so you can succeed in life and be somebody. If you need help talk to your counselor because they will not steer you in the wrong direction. Do you and not what other people want for you. Leave all the drama at home, and learn from everyone’s mistakes and especially yourself.
Don't give 'em hell by Carl Clemons
You're not tough by Tay Browner
I learned that I was not going to get anywhere acting a fool. This school has really changed me a whole lot. Every time I got into trouble, it just showed me right from wrong. All my teachers that I have had my whole high school years has been the best teachers for me. They gave me the grades that I need and not what I want. I just want to tell all the teachers and all the administrative that have helped me change things all around thank you all.
Choose a positive attitude by Janice Hall
My first semester of 9th grade year was tough. I was playing around a lot like instead of me doing work I would go throw paper balls at people or either slap people on the back of their head and also wasn’t doing my work I wasn’t taking it serious at all. I thought I was gone catch up at the end but I didn’t because everything was coming down on me at once. I passed all my classes, but with all C’s and I regret these C’s now because it may my GPA low. I knew if I was focusing and not goofing off I would pass theses classes with either A or B. I wanted this type of grades because when I got in the 12th grade my GPA was not high and it was no way I could of got my GPA up because of those C’s.
To these upcoming freshmen’s I should warn you all now: come into high school with a positive attitude that you can do your best no matter what. Don’t let people keep you from getting your education or stay focused in school. I remember when I was in 9th grade and I let this girl get to me off focused everyday in class and never did do my work fell all my tests. Like we use to just come to class and just throw paper balls at people heads and did what we wanted to do. I was just doing because she was doing and she would start calling me a “Punk” if I didn’t do the things she didn’t do. My teacher knew I was a smart little girl so the teacher sat me to the side and told me that I need to get it together or either I am going to fail the class. So I realize that I was failing my class at the end of the semester and I had failed the Spanish class. I had to retake it over the class in summer school.
The one thing that I would say for you freshmen’s is that you all do not want to go to summer school. Summer school is really boring it takes up have of your summer. The days that you go to summer school you really can’t do nothing after school because you be so tired and wore out that you can’t do anything. You be so tired because how long you are there and how much work they give you and you have to take a test every week over what you learn that hold week. I know because I have been there and done it and the things I just describe that are how it was and how I felt about the situation.
So to the upcoming freshman’s I pray for you all good luck that you all freshman’s come in with a good attitude and not with a whatever attitude. Make sure you all do your work and stay focused no matter what other people doing. Just do the things that gone to help you all succeed in life.
2 easy steps by Jose Saldana
Step 1: Do your work; I think the easiest part of high school is doing your work. I had the mentality or forget the work and chill. But I was sorely wrong when mid-term my freshmen year came I was practically failing every class, and I had too much work to do. So what did I do you may ask? I started to do all my work I had missed until the bell rang at the end of the semester. By the end of the semester I had C’s in three of my classes and one B+. The next semester I just went ham on all my work, and then after I had all of it done I chilled the rest of the class. This is one of the crucial step in graduating from this school, without this step completed to the point your will have a strong chance of failing. But when all your work is done you should be careful not to get to much attention. Cause bad things can happen.
Step 2; Stay quite is very important because it can lead to different outcomes like fights or write ups or even humiliation. That is if you are the scared of every one and no confident type I would keep to myself, but if you’re the popular type then go for it have fun. Also having if your can’t defend yourself verbally or physically the shut up. I know a couple of people that could not defend themselves very well and ended up humiliated or beat up for what they were talking about. Follow these two steps and you will do find in high school.
These are two easy steps that you can follow to stay safe with both your grades and peers. They helped me out allot and I’m graduating because of it. I hope you take to heart these steps and use them to your advantage. If you do may be in four years you too can tell the incoming freshman these steps to graduate. I hope you have a great time at cedar shoals, I’ll see you in the real world.
Don't slack by Freddy Hidalgo
I’m a graduate, you are beginning to make your future with every step you take in high school. Everything you do will be remembered when you try to apply for college. I remember when I was a freshman, I thought I was tough, thought that I can catch up later and just chill now. But that is a big mistake I made. You see, you mess up your freshman year you mess up all your years in high school. I did that and I had to work my ass off the rest of my high school years. My junior year was the hardest because I had to take the GHSGT and still had to do my work to pass. Then when I came to my senior I wanted to chill, but I had a lot of classes I needed to graduate so I couldn’t. That all happened because of me being dumb and lazy in my freshman year. Also don’t handout with the wrong crowd like I did. If you do then the people you hang out with will pressure you to do things you will regret later.
So I tell you don’t slack off and hang with the wrong crowd because all that will prevent you from graduating. Trust me there is nothing worse than watching all your friends you knew since elementary graduate, and you sitting with the crowd.
A surreal experience by Alex Smith
You see, to me, high school felt almost like moving to a new country. I felt that everything from middle school that I’ve done was left behind me, and this new building will house a “new me” where I could start anew.
I was getting side tracked persistently; that led me to the point where I struggled to keep focus on my grades – the important part of high school life slipped out of my reach due to me succumbing to my own person desires. I started failing classes. I started struggling to stay tuned with my assignments and homework and found myself completely lost when a test was tossed at me. Because of this, I bombed my freshman year. The remaining three years of my high school life turned into more of mental warfare above all else. If I was to graduate with my class in May of 2011, I was forced to pass each one of my classes in order to receive the next promotion the next year.
It’s easy to get side tracked by high school drama and dilemmas in your personal lives. For example, the most distracting occurrences that led me to losing much needed focus on the importances of my high school life ranged from something as simple as an argument with an old friend to having two of some of my greatest friends pass away in a car accident. Distractions, even if they are or seem tragic, can take your mind and sometimes even your care away from school work and your academics. Eventually, at that point, you (like myself) will begin spending your high school career struggling to make sure you can make it by and graduate with your class.
I’ve learned that I should continuously persevere through the hard work you receive in high school to lead myself to a less miserable life in the future. Despite the adversity and hardships you are bound to encounter during your four years here, strive to make something out of yourself through these short years. Even though the work may sometimes seem like torture, I guarantee you, the results that you look back upon when that diploma lands in your hands will be satisfying.
Not easily distracted by Shakerra Patman
I remember when I got my phone taken up. The reason for that is because I was more interested in getting the text from my “Boy toy” then my schoolwork. The text wasn’t even that important. We were trying to set something up for after school. I feel that this was a bad choice I made because school is more important. Obviously the text wasn’t about anything. So I knew that I could have waited to after class to discuss the matter.
Another thing that distracted me was boys. My 9th grade year was not the best year for me. I slipped up. HARD! Instead of being there I would skip school to be with this boy that I thought I loved. Pssh, at that age I didn’t even know what love was. I always looked at it as if school wasn’t as important to me. I use to feel like if I didn’t skip to be with him he would think different of me. I fell behind in school and had to go to summer school. Summer school was so annoying to me because it took away just about my whole summer. I had to get up every morning at like 8a.m. and stay til like 4p.m. Every year that I’ve been in highschool, except for my senior year, I had to go to summer school. This made me stronger and motivated me because I did what I had to do to graduate. I wanted to show my family I could do it and overcome any obstacles so that I wouldn’t set a bad example for my younger siblings. Right now they are doing very good in school but they look up to me and I don’t want them to start messing up like I did. I try to tsalk to them and keep them on the right track because education is most important.
So to my upcoming freshmens learn from my mistakes. Don’t get easily distracted because it only takes one mistake that can prevent you from achieving. Don’t come to school just to waste time. Its not worth it and in the long run everything will pay off. Just think, you complete school and get a highschool diploma and/or a college degree then you’ll be successful. Take charge of your life and don’t let outside things get inside.
It's not about how you look by Javante Risper
I would like to say welcome to cedar shoals. I know you have heard about how bad cedar shoals is, but to tell you the truth it’s not all that bad. I thought it was going to be a nightmare when I stepped a foot into the shoals. As a senior I wouldn’t want to lead you all in the wrong direction so I am going to keep it real with you.
It’s not all about what you wear and how you look. It’s all about the crowd you hang with and what you do. To me fitting in wasn’t a major thing that I had in mind. I moved from another school that messed up my credits, so the only thing that was on my mind was how am I going to graduate?” I played around my freshman and sophomore year by going to sleep in class, skipping class, disrespecting the teacher, not paying attention, and I was doing it all because I wanted to fit in with the older guys who could afford to do those things, I wanted to be inside the box instead of outside the box, and I wanted people to like me and see me for somebody who I wasn’t instead of a brilliant intelligent teacher’s pet. There’s a consequence behind every choice of action that you take. My consequences were failing my classes and watching everybody else say they passed that same class that I had with them. And the bad part about it was that they were doing the same thing but still passed. Please do not try to fit in to be what people call popular because popularity comes and goes. If you do work your first three years of school then your last year of school will be smooth sailing. You will be able to play all you want instead of working your butt off and missing all the fun.
High school isn’t tough at all unless you make it tough. Only you can make it tough by trying to fit in and not do what you got to do. Getting suspended is a good example of making high school tough. I’m not talking about getting ISS either I’m talking about getting suspended to where you’re out of school for a couple of days. That means that you’re missing work that you can’t make up because you got suspended. The people you hang around could want to see you be like them or be lesser than them. You don’t want to feel like you’re under or over nobody because the two or all of you can make the grades and do what you want to do if you put your mind to it.
It’s best to start thinking about life after school when you reach your junior year because you only have one year left. Credit recovery isn’t cool even though it’s nice depending on your teacher. Credit recovery is when you failed a class that you need in the ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade. You have to take it on the computer. It’s like your own virtual classroom because your teacher don’t really help you and you have to still take notes during your lecture if you fail a quiz on the first try, then you have to reach 100% by the time the semester over or you’re going to have to fit it into your schedule the next semester or the next school year. On credit recovery you will be able to see your grade and see if you’re falling behind. Red means you’re falling behind the target that you have, green means that you’re ahead of the target and blue means that you’re on point. Credit recovery is a class that you have to take serious and you have to grind harder in there than you do in a regular class. Don’t be a fool do what you have to do because hard work really does pay off and trust me I know these things.
I know that you want to be one of those graduates that walk across the stage on time. Not a year after or two years after because if you wait that long it makes you look dumb and reflect on your teacher, you, & your race. I know you want to graduate on time so my advice to you is to work hard, respect your teacher, stand outside of the box, and do what you have to do. It’s not as hard as people make it seems, it’s really what you make of it. Let the ones who want to help you help you because it’s not a problem with getting help. It don’t make you look dumb because you’re curious and don’t understand your assignment your teachers are here to help you not hurt you so raise your hand and do what it takes to have a place in that graduation ceremony.
Be anything by Jose Reyes
I don’t want this to happen to any of the freshmen’s that come to this school next year or the years after. If they need help on something they can ask other people that they see around or the teacher b/c if they do the same thing that I did then they will be struggling to get their credits when they get closer to graduating. They should always keep in their minds that there is nothing better then education. With an education you can be anything you want to be in this world.
Don't sleep by Silvano Ramos
When you first enter as freshmen you may think it’s all easy and not take stuff serious at first. That’s how I thought about it at first, but as freshmen it’s when you’re supposed to do your best and never slow down on stuff. Get all your credits that you’ll need, so you won’t be worried later on and like that you’ll be ready and confident to graduate later on. My advice would be to do all work when it’s given and never leave it for some other time because it only gives you more work to finish it later and by finishing it first gives you free time later on. You should put much effort on working hard and also not listening to no one if they pick on you because you’re doing work just doing what you were assigned to do.
You should always try and do more than you think you can in order to be successful and achieve for what you’re here for. Taking school more serious when you get to high school would be the key to get out easy and feeling proud on all the hard work you put. Some mistakes I’ve done was not taking teachers serious and always making my own rules in my head and rather doing my own thing to decide if I wanted to do my work or not. Teachers would try and help me and tell me to do my work so I can improve rather than seeing me fail without trying. I than started doing my work and noticed my time spent on my work allowed me enjoy some of my time to chill and relax while having my work done already so it was much easier that way.
Setting goals by Myrtisa Strowder
A big step by Shateria Robinson
My advice to any up coming freshman or any freshman is don’t take advantage of the high school time, meaning I know for a fact your freshman year is going to be the best year you ever had because you learn that the rules are so much more flexible than when your in middle school. For example you can’t chew gum in middle school during classes, you have to walk in a straight line where you and your class mates go, and don’t really get breaks during classes. In high school I have never heard of any teachers complaining about their students chewing gum in classes, but I honestly think by them taking that rule away you should at least respect it and throw your gum in the trash not stick it to the desk. They also give you a little break (a little time to talk to your friends and make it to class) so don’t take advantage of that and constantly be tardy because that doesn’t look good. Even if the absences and tardies don’t count against still try to make it to class and be on time, because no matter where you go people are going to look at that, especially if your trying to get a job in high school.
The main thing that I think all freshmen should be warned about is DOING YOUR WORK YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR! You can not play around your freshman year just because your so excited about the different changes and etc, because it will catch up to you. I mean they do have credit recovery that you can attend zero and fifth block, but I would recommend anybody fail a class and think its okay just because they can do that. That is not some where you want to spend your time for a hour. Credit recovery does help a lot of people but it gets very aggravating after a while because it takes a while to complete. I guarantee you will really wish you pass the first time while sitting in credit recovery. I mean you also have the choice of just retaking the class again, but would you honestly want to be taking lit comp nine while you’re a sophomore or a junior? I believe while retaking classes your taking place of another class that you most likely need and this stuff will catch up with you your senior year. Trying to rush your senior year and get yourself together so that you can graduate is not something you want to be doing, because it is very stressful. Sometimes trying to rush and then finding out that you still cant walk across the stage is the worse feeling ever.. I mean do you really want to be sitting in the audience while your friends are waking across the stage smiling? Another thing I think all freshmen should learn their freshman year is about their GPA. A lot of us didn’t even think anything about it until our junior and senior year when it was time to sign up for colleges and the colleges required that you needed a certain GPA.
The stuff that I am telling you is stuff that I think teachers should take the time to tell you. Although some of this stuff you should already know, like doing your work is something you should already know to do. There will be some teachers that will talk to you the first day and tell you how much they are willing to help you and there will be some teachers that won’t have that conversation with you. Just because those teachers don’t have that conversation with you doesn’t mean that they are not willing to go the extra mile for you, it just means that they are willing to help you but they can help anybody that’s doesn’t want to help their self. Their will also be teachers that you might think don’t like you because they are always complaining about the work you do, but those are just the hardcore teachers they are going to make sure you pass. I honestly cant think of one teacher at Cedar Shoals High School that is not a good teacher.
I don’t expect for to many up coming freshman’s to take this advice and run with it, because everybody has a mind of their own. Regardless of what you tell someone that is so excited they are still going to do what they want to do. Although I bet money that when push comes to shove they will wish they took the advice that was gave to them.
Not a joke by Diamonny Colbert
My first semester was easy: easy classes and easy teachers just like pre-k. I passed all my classes but on into the next semester I still thought everything was so easy. I did not take it so seriously. I was skipping class, not going to class, getting tardies and talking all the time. I failed 3 of my classes which caused me not to make it to the 10h grade. That is the worst feeling ever to know you didn’t pass your grade. Summer school was my only choice but you could only take one class so that kind of did me some good. I didn’t want to go to summer school but I had to suffer the consequences because I decided I wanted to horse around at school.
High school had always been a major struggle for me. As I went through the years I failed more and more classes. I had to go to summer school every year, I really hated it but it was always my fault and nobody to blame. They offered this opportunity throughout the school year called 5h period. 5th period is just like a 5th class but you’re just making up classes that you failed. That helped out a lot of people including me.I made alto of bad decision, talking back to my teachers which would cause me to get ISS or OSS. Throughout all of my years, I had 26 write up’s which is horrible. I thank I have had Oss the most. I got into a lot of fights and arguments and they definitely don’t play that. I’m very luck to still be at school and not at an alternative program. I just hated myself for putting myself through all of those struggles, knowing that I was capable of better things. I just keep me a motto “Never give up”, and I stuck to that. My senior year I didn’t have to take no 5th period classes and I only had 3 academic classes. I had caught up because I didn’t want anything holding me back from graduation. I had passed all of my graduation tests on the first fry so really there wasn’t anything at all holding me back.
I would say to the incoming freshman, don’t take high school as a joke because it really isn’t. High school is not easy, you have to work hard to get somewhere in life and high school is definitely the place to work hard, its jus the beginning stage of college. But most of all never give up.
Stay focused by Dejanae Smith
When I entered high school I told myself that I was going to pass all my classes and try to maintain a B average so I could have a good GPA. When my brother was in high school, he barely made it. He played around all four years of high school. He was a senior when he decided that he would buckle down and do all his work. The counselors had told him that he probably wouldn’t make it to graduate. The day of graduation practice they pulled him aside and told that he would graduate. He was so excited that he went to the restroom and cried. That’s when I decided that I wasn’t going to follow in his foot steps and that I was going to do better than my brother.
But unfortunately things didn’t go as planned. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. I did pass all my classes until my 10th grade year. The first class I failed was geometry. Me and my teacher couldn’t seem to get alone, and on top of that my best friend was in that class. So I really wasn’t focus. Then the next class I failed was Algebra II my 11th grade year, going to sleep in class, texting, and not doing homework was my biggest problem in that class. Plus my cousin and other close friends were in that same class.
So I encourage you freshmen to not make the same mistakes me and my brother made. Stay focus, be to class on time and be ready to learn. The teachers are there to help you. The have their education. Keep your mind in the books and off the boys. Boys will always be there. Take the time to get your education.
Don't be scared by Brandon Glenn
When you’re in class my best advice to you would be just go to class on time. Don’t be late, standing around in the hallway talking about nothing. Just go to class and try to get a head start on your work, pay attention in class, listen to your teacher, when they give you class work or home work do the work, complete it, and turn it in when it’s due. Try not to have any late work turn it in on time.
When I was taking classes that I really needed, in class I would goof off being the class clown. Sometimes I wouldn’t get my work done and I would have to stay after school for tutoring and get caught up. I had to do that most of the year till I brought my grade up.
Advice to freshmen by Jose Dimas
If you do have classes with some of your friends try not to talk to them so much because you will get distracted, lose concentration, miss out on important information, and the worst of them all maybe even fail. This happened to me the first time I took Biology. I used to sit in the front of the class and was passing but one day I decided to change my seat and sit closer to my friends. Everyday we would pass the time by in class by goofing off and talking, getting no work done.
By the end of the semester I learned that I failed the class due to the fact of me getting distracted and not attempting any work. I had to take the class all over again and really regretted not passing the first time. This isn’t elementary or middle school anymore. They will not baby you anymore. You either pass or you don’t. It’s your choice. No pointing fingers and blaming others. It’s all on YOU! These are the mistakes I made and I wish I would have known before it was too late. Please learn from my mistakes and do the best you can because you’re going to be glad you did in the future.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Almost a Dropout by Alicia Pittard
I remember that I use to come in to class, go to sleep, do no work, and get put out of my class, especially my one of my math classes. I use to think that my math teacher did not like me because he use to put me out of class because I did not want to do what he said. I had to really turn that lifestyle around and grow up because I knew that I would not make it in life like that.
I know how my family was very upset with me because of my grades and what was going on in school. I remember them trying to help me in school. They had the graduation coach, Mrs.Seay, watching me in most of my classes to make sure that I was doing my work and that I was not going to fail any more classes so I could graduate in ‘09. So I hope all you 9th graders see that your grades are nothing to play with because it seems like you have to graduate from high school to do something in life.
But trust me, you do not want to get behind in high school especially your 9th grade year. Just come up here, do your work and listen to your teachers, be= cause your the students and they are the teachers. Teachers have got theirs; they don’t have anything to worry about, but you are the one that have to get yours so that you can get up out of here and be something one day. The chance will come around for you to be grown and do what you want to do, but right now just do your work. I know that it not easy to do.
So far, I have learned from my bad choices that trying to be grown will not get anywhere. The reason why I say that is because of the situation I put my self in now and it is not a good one. I have learn from it so right now I have to play catch-up so that I can still graduate in 2009. At one point in time, I was going to drop out of school because I felt that school was not for me. This was because I did not want to come to school and do my work. I have learned from one of the biggest mistake I have made.
Fresh Meat by Timothy Riden
I never really had a positive eye on things because I was too hard-headed to listen to my own self. I wanted to do things different, but I would never put myself to it. I would look at the other students and wonder what can I do to get on a level like that or at least put myself in a good position, but I had no answer. Then after a while, I started to see things in a different way and that way was me starting to study and work hard and I also started tutoring myself. When that happened, I was on my toes and ready to go forward for whatever. I started going to my counselors and talking to them about my work ethic, and they put me on a greater path to get where I am now in school. However, I still wished I would have never messed up my ninth grade semester. I wish I could turn back the hands of time but sadly I can’t.
I had fun through all the good times and bad times. I never stressed myself on it though I just didn’t put myself up to it. Like with math, I never really understood it, and I didn’t want anything to do with it. I tried my best to get out of math, but the teacher told me to stay because I would be missing out on one of the most important things in life so I stayed but I didn’t pay attention until the middle of the semester. Then I started to like math but I still wasn’t really a math person. I was a reading person in my heart.
My advice to young ninth graders is to stay on your game and don’t act up just because you made it to high school. This is not a place where you can mess up and get another try because once you get behind, it’s kind of hard to get back on your feet. When you come to high school have a positive attitude about things, not a negative one because you want to go far. Don’t stop just because you have a broken tire. You can call someone and they’ll help you to get on your way to success. Being all you can be is one thing but living up to what your goals and dreams are is the right thing to do because anybody can tell you anything but your heart will really tell you what to do. No one has control over you but you, so do what you can to follow your heart by all means necessary.
Ya Digg….
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A New Town by Kerwin Gibbs
Meeting new friends wasn't hard, but all my new friends kept asking the same questions: Where are you from? Did your house flood? Do you like it here? I wasn't shy. I just didn't want to talk because I was depressed and people kept talking about how I talked differently. Moving to a new city was crazy because people talked to me differently. They had a different slang, way of talking. They wore different clothes and had a style that I wasn't familar with.
One of the reasons I made friends (mostly girls) was because of how I talked and my swag. Girls really liked that. They said they loved the way I said "baby" but the boys liked me because they said I was cool and stayed to myself. The poeple I have met in Athens are different than my old friends. My friends in New Orleans were bad influences in my life, but my friends in Athens influence me to do something with my life. Meeting new people was different but crazy.
Even though it was hard for me to absorb my new friends and surroudings, I still reflect on other good times I had at home. Moving to Athens allowed me to change some. I moved to a new environment, got new friends, new habits, but best of all, I got the chance for a new start.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Drugs and Weapons by Bryan Hudson
As a freshman, I was not a bad student. Every teacher that taught me knew that I was a very good student. When a teacher saw that I needed help with something, they would do what ever they could to help me. I felt good, because I made it to high school with no problem, no trouble, and without getting held back. In my first year of high school, everything started off feeling easy, but I believe that I let that get to my head too much. I started messing up. As my freshman year kept going, I started having more trouble with my grades. They were dropping really badly. As I kept going, things started getting better for me. I was doing much better, and I started feeling better about myself. When it started getting really close to the end of the year, I realized that I had started failing some of my classes, and I started getting worried. When we got our report cards, I saw that I had failed some of my classes.
When kids get to high school, they should at least try to act like they have some sense and have a little bit of maturity. They don’t have to have a lot because, they are just freshmen, and most people know that freshmen are going to be a little wild so that’s ok. Freshmen are supposed to have at least something to show, even if it is just respect.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Math is Challenging by Tajia White
From these experiences I’ve learned to never give up. Although I wasn’t the best in math I worked my hardest to succeed. Math is very challenging. It’s all of what you make of it. Freshmen, learn from this to never give up and never doubt yourself. You can do all things. Always set your goals high and have high standards. Start off on a good foot so that you won’t have anything to worry about when it’s the last days.
It helps to have something or someone that can motivate you. I think my mother is my motivation. She always tells me to do my best and never give up. My mother is very motivational because she always tells me that she never wants me to follow in her foot steps. She tells me all the time that she’s been through a lot in life and to make my own decisions. I have made it this far in high school, to the 12th grade. Between my motivation in telling myself that I can do all things through Christ, he who strengthen me, I am blessed. If you put God first, you can do it.
Don't Mess Up by Adonis Allen
What you can learn form this is not to mess up your years at Cedar Shoals or at any other high school you go to. Do your work non-stop. If you get stuck on something, don’t give up and stay quiet. If you get in the mood that you don’t have to do it, that’s how you mess up. Always ask questions if you don’t understand and teachers will help you until you get it. Always listen to the teacher because most of the time they are right. Try not to pick a class that you know you not going to pass; pick one you are going to pass. Come to class every day and when you leave high school, you should be able to remember every thing you learned from the teacher.
Skipping Class by Javier Solis
Now that I’m a senior, I realize that doing that stuff like skipping is not going to help you out in your future. Today's high school students say they are bored in class, because they dislike the material and experience inadequate teacher interaction. When I used to skip, I got caught several times and it was for a stupid reason, being in the bathroom wasn’t a good idea since I could have been learning and talking to my friends at the same time.
If I could go back to those classes and learn what I didn’t because I chose to skip I would, but most students do not think like that. Now, students drive to school and it’s easier to skip and not go to school and not get caught. To me skipping is not a good idea because you are going to fail your classes just because you have too many absences. For example, some students do really well in some classes but don’t even get the credit for it only because of too many absences and for me that’s dumb. High school is a really good experience for every freshman so there is no reason to skip classes and not get credit for having too many absences. Also if you get caught skipping there are some punishments that you have to deal with just because of your mistakes.
One of the punishments is ISS. ISS teachers don’t let you sleep nor are you allowed to do anything fun. ISS is really boring and a bad experience. I have been there a couple of times and believe me, I prefer to stay in my classes more than being in ISS. There is a lot of stuff I could tell you about skipping and why it’s bad, but most of the freshmen are going to find out for themselves, and they will realize that skipping classes is not good for their own future. I shared my experience with them so they can know that skipping classes has several punishments all of which are not fun. I just want to tell all the freshmen to get on track since it’s their first year in high school so they can get used to it. High school is a really good experience and we in high should notice that.
Failing 9th Grade by Omar Arechiga
When I first got here to Cedar Shoals, well to tell you the truth, I really didn’t care. I didn’t care about my classes, I didn’t care about my grades, and I didn’t care about graduating. Really, I didn’t think that I was going to graduate. I really didn’t want to go to college. I thought that school was stupid; I didn’t think that I could be anything. I thought I new where I was going and that’s all I could do. I had it all planed out. I was going to work at Pilgrims Pride, a chicken processing plant, and that’s the best I could do. I came in my freshman year with all that in mind.
I remember my freshman year like it was yesterday. First block, I had J.R.O.T.C, second I had Lit/Comp 9, third I had pre-algebra, and fourth I had world history. Out of all four classes I only passed two. I remember telling myself that wasn’t so bad. Actually I thought that it was pretty good. My whole 9th grade year, I only passed 5 classes. I knew I wasn’t going to pass the grade, but I thought it was still pretty good. Little did I know that it would come back on me and make my high school career almost impossible.
I was one of the more fortunate ones thanks to my counselor. She took care of me. Every month all my teachers, my parents, and I would meet up after school and talk about how bad I was doing in school. At first I thought it was all stupid, but the more they talked about me, the more I realized how bad I was doing. I knew I could do better but I just didn’t feel like it. After a couple of meetings, I realized that I was letting a lot of people down not just myself. I saw how disappointed my parents and teachers were at me. I decided to show everybody what I was capable of and decided to work as hard as I could to pass all my classes. My second time being a freshman, I only failed one of the eight classes. I did so good that I skipped the 10th grade. My 11th grade year, I passed all the classes, and now my senior year I have passed all my classes, and I am just waiting to graduate this May.
What I learned from this experience is that your freshman year is one of the most, if not the most, important year of your high school career. It is really important that you start your high school career on the right foot because it can make your life a lot easier. Maybe you have heard this a thousand times, but it is very important that you do well your first year because you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t.